End of the Year Message

Welcome to the end of another incredible year. As we continue to grow as an organization, serving our clients and providing trusted solutions and real value remains our priority.  We are grateful for the opportunities to serve our clients as they provide crucial services for their communities.

This year we celebrate two staff members who have been with the organization for 20 years: Brandon Simchuk and Sara Engel. Both have been instrumental to Selectron’s growth and we are so grateful to have these invested, dedicated staff members on our team. 

2023 also gave us many opportunities to be your partner for progress. We look forward to greeting 2024 with the dedication to drive success for you and your agency. We understand how our solutions enable our clients to provide better services, engage citizens, and promote positive change, which in turn contributes to building stronger, more connected communities.

In 2024, we are eager to continue partnering with our clients to innovate and provide valuable solutions, while maintaining the level of integrity and reliability our clients know and trust. We are so grateful to be a part of your agency’s success, as you are most certainly part of ours.


Todd Johnston, President

Matt Corbin, EVP

Dan Porter, COO


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