“Atlas Inspections has streamlined the inspection process by eliminating written inspections and allowed our staff to focus on other important aspects of their jobs.”

–  Kevin Browne, City of Boston, MA

Equip inspectors with the information and tools they need to complete their work in the field and securely transmit results to the back office. Whether through text message or a mobile application, mobile inspection solutions can revolutionize the way your inspectors complete their daily work, making them more efficient while ensuring compliance with business rules.

Atlas Inspections

Atlas Inspections is a device-agnostic mobile inspection application that gives inspectors the information and tools they need to complete their work in the field and securely transmit results to the back office. Revolutionize the way your inspectors complete their daily work with our tailored, efficiency-driven solution.

Other Scheduling Methods


Simple result posting via Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a perfect hands-free option for inspectors who are constantly on the go.


SelecTXT allows inspectors to post results via text. The user simply initiates a text conversation, and responds to the prompts to fill in inspection information. 

Read more about Resulting Inspections

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Contact us for additional information or schedule a demo.

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